There are films like Husbands & Wives, Winter Light, The Passenger, Turning Gate, Last Life in the Universe, that, like a great work of literary fiction, you can return to and "re-read," finding more than you remembered each time through. Then, there are films like Napoleon Dynamite, Little Miss Sunshine, etc...that may have entertained the first time, but yield nothing upon re-visitation.
The next film we're shooting (This April) tentatively titled "Brothers" (a little nod to Woody Allen as that was his original title for Crimes & Misdemeanors") is an attempt to make a film that works like the type of novel you re-read for years. Interestingly, I think the key to making this type of film is using dialogue sparingly. Not even close to a "Cafe Lumiere" level of quiet, but a certain austere stillness in the characters, sequences and photography can be much more telling than constant literary chatter (something I find myself guilty of in my writing).
Planning is underway for an April/May shoot. I'm going to look at locations this coming week. Time to start saving some money (or making some money to save).
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