I was searching on the web and I found your blog. First at all, I must say that I'm really interested in your current project. Nowadays, I'm writting a story (next step is making an screen play)about Vancouver, the "lack of emotions", and "the end of the world", (not in a religious or sci-fi sense, but personal and collective") and five characters in leading roles. I love Vancity for all the moods from shades of gray to blue that can offer. By now I live in Mexico, but I'm toving to vancouver soon.
your new website looks awesome, terry. it's fresh and sexy!
I was searching on the web and I found your blog. First at all, I must say that I'm really interested in your current project. Nowadays, I'm writting a story (next step is making an screen play)about Vancouver, the "lack of emotions", and "the end of the world", (not in a religious or sci-fi sense, but personal and collective") and five characters in leading roles. I love Vancity for all the moods from shades of gray to blue that can offer. By now I live in Mexico, but I'm toving to vancouver soon.
Please, keep in touch and contact me.
Good luck!
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